Stunning Water views form this Immaculate 3 level Townhouse, which boasts with ample living and entertaining space, offering an open living and dining floor plan. A new kitchen S.S. appliances, granite countertops allows you to view the living space . Sun filed with ample corner townhouse exposure. This spacious 3 bedroom home well maintained offers three baths , two are en-suite a rarity. Beautiful gleaming HWF's thru out including interior staircase, French door featured enhance the home's beauty at entry , laundry, storage area in utility room. Great East side location, steps to Castle Island, Pleasure Bay for swimming, short walk to 4 bus lines leading to subway. . 1 Parking space a gem to have. You will be proud to reside in this home, neighborhood with terrific location and call it yours. Call to schedule an appointment ,
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