Brownstone in City Point section of South Boston. Sought after location, home is a short walk to Pleasure Bay- a swimming beach, Marine Park, and private yacht clubs . Castle Island is a short walk as well. This expansive home offers 4 bedrooms plus 3 bonus rooms,1 1/2 baths, all in three levels of living , with a rear deck and fenced in private yard. Ornate, marble frpl mantels intact, soaring ceiling height, double staircase leads to living area and rear kitchen. All 4 major bus lines are in walking distance #7,#9. #10 and #11 that take you to subway system . Summer street leads to highway access and airport, Seaport and Financial District are a stone throw from this home. Desired location for the perfect home owner to settle in or purchase as an investment. New heating system -(hot water oil) in 2015. Needed upgrades and some tlc. Call to schedule appointment only , Home will be delivered vacant . Qualified buyers only .. Property is "SOLD IN AS IS CONITION "
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