HOME is not a place. . . It's a feeling! Updated from top to bottom as well as inside and out, this home is both mechanically sound & cosmetically pleasing and offers its new owners the delight of being able to move right in with nothing more to do than arrange your belongings.The interior is embellished w/ an updated Kitchen which highlights the recent trend of white quartz counter tops on white cabinets, ss appliances & exhaust vent, deep bowl sink & more; remodeled Baths w/ ceramic tiled floors & showers, new vanities; just painted walls w/ a pleasing palette; new pellet stove surrounded by a resurfaced stone wall backdrop & brick hearth; maple wood floors with wide boards; detailed mill work, French doors; new lighting & plumbing fixtures while the exterior offers Andersen styled windows and is updated with new vinyl siding, new roof and a freshly stained rear deck. Set far off the road on a private lot, the landscape features a new retaining wall and brick walkway. Welcome HOME!
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