Located at the edge of the South End and Back Bay, just moments to Copley/Back Bay Station is 75 Clarendon Street. This unit is on the corner back side of the 4th floor is light filled and has two bedrooms one bathroom. There are great views of downtown skyline from the living space, bedroom and private balcony. Currently used as a one bedroom, the second bedroom has been opened to the the living room and is used as a dining room. Living room has working fireplace. Unit has it own heat/cooling: central heating-electric heat pump. This unit has excellent layout and lives larger than the stated square footage. There are high ceilings, a full gourmet kitchen with white cabinets and granite counter-tops. Unit is conveyed with one deeded parking space #47 in the lower level of the garage. The City of Boston parking land tax is $609.64 per year. Separate condo parking fee; $175.87; unit fee $542.02 for a total $717.89 per month. Daytime concierge building with professional management
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