Tucked behind decorative iron fencing & hidden by mature plantings & perennials, you have to look for the jewel known as Mill Pointe Condominium to even know it's there. This thoughtfully designed townhouse has it all and everything has been done for you. From the large & inviting LR w/ wood burning fireplace & marble surround to the open concept kitchen/dining w/ easy deck access for all of your outdoor enjoyment, this is truly a city oasis. The master suite features a large walk in closet & decadent en suite bath w/ marble double vanity & marble/glass walk in shower w/ bench, rain shower head & 4 spa jets. Bonus family room in the lower level w/ french door details. Enjoy the privacy of being surrounded by landscaped grounds, take up tennis at Byrne Playground & never have to worry about parking again! Flexible Sellers can accommodate a quick closing; call today to book your private appointment.
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