Meticulously appointed home in the Thomas Park neighborhood of South Boston. This PH unit boasts with direct sunlight and corner exposure, offers an open floor plan and chef's Kitchen under mount lighting with ample cabinets, center Island with pendant lights. A 5- burner stove, under mount lighting are few of the kitchen features . 2-Bd 2 Ba , tile baths whirlpool and shower , tile flooring and beautiful pedestal sinks and custom mirrors. Both baths offer linen closets, additional 2 hallway closets for coats and pantry. Laundry room heavy duty stack w/d and storage. Interior gives a warm and inviting atmosphere with corner stone front gas firpl, cable hookups, slider to private deck and spiral to exclusive roof deck. Also offered is an interior hall carpeted staircase leading to roof deck! Parking - deeded (2) garage spaces to Ph unit . Fine home with all the attributes one could want in a new PH condo . A gem of a home you would be proud to own! .
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