A Jewel of a home! 1 bed 1 ba offers great floor plan for comfortable living. Beautiful bow-window enhances the dine area, custom cloth shades, detail through out, nothing spared in this units amenities and custom development. Kitchen beauty is in the custom cabinetry, top line S.S. appliances Fisher & Paykel and Fridgedare, granite tops, glass enhanced cabinets. Immaculate oak floors, hi-ceilings with medallion, tri-crown moulding and recessed lights add to the charm. Built-in custom closets surround the spacious queen bed, allowing extra space for bureau. Sun-filled home in pristine condition. Features include mounted 55" TV with integrated multi-speaker system and receiver, cast iron Olde English frpl. multi-head tile shower, heated towel rack, C/A, Bosch in- unit laundry. Steps to parks , beach , bus lines #7,#9,#10, #11, restaurants and shopping . GREAT CITY VALUE!
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