Sought after Pill Hill Historical District Brownstone,offers spacious2 bedrooms in Prime Location ! Beautiful entry staircase and exposed Brick greets you to the 2nd level. Gleaming HWF's thru-out, entertaining & sun filled living- Dine Rm 9'-6"ceilings,lutron light control,soffit lighting, plantation blinds custom radiator boxes, are few features. . Modern Kitchen with custom- detail cabinets, new above range microwave Master Bedroom -bath, pedestal sink - window shower tub-tile. 2nd bedroom or home office has built in cabinet -draws shelves, gorgeous exposed brick wall and French door . Sound System in BRMS & LR ,DR , wall mounted volume control. Laundry Bosch stack, storage basement,owner occ.assoc. pet friendly. Rental pkg. avail. to new owner at Walnut Place a short walk. Brookline village nearby. Easy access to Longwood medical, downtown, transportation and major thoroughfares. Terrific Location.
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